Global Emergency Assistance
- Emergency evacuations
- Medically supervised repatriations
- Doctor/hospital referrals
- Dispatch of doctors or specialists
- Pre-trip medical information
- Hospital deposit guarantees
- Repatriation of mortal remains.
AU International Service / Assist Ukraine is Ukrainian independent Assistance company. We have been working at the world assistance market since 1991. In 1995-1996 strategy was developed by PUM Dutch senior advices and ANWB. It was one of the first firms pioneering assistance services in Ukraine. Start up was supported by Delta Consulting group and International SOS.
read moreGlobal Emergency Assistance - 24-hour worldwide medical information and assistance, Emergency evacuations, Medically supervised repatriations, Doctor/hospital referrals, Dispatch of doctors or specialists, Pre-trip medical information, Hospital deposit guarantees, Repatriation of mortal remains.
Assist Ukraine has provided repatriation service of the deceased British company Rownald Brothers International Funeral Directors. Consular officers understand how difficult it can be for bereaved families and we are grateful to Assist Ukraine that they are responsible, experienced in dealing with local authorities, sensitive towards families concerns and ready to guide through the repatriation process in Ukraine.
Висловлюю вдячність за уважне ставлення до мене, Вашого пацієнта. Приємно зустрічати доброзичливе ставлення і розуміння моїх проблем з боку чарівних жінок - Ярослави, Дарьї, Ірини - це з ними мені довелось спілкуватись по телефону. Жодного разу я не зустрічав відмови і непорозуміння. Нехай Вам Бог допомагає у Вашій шляхетній роботі. А я зичу процвітання Вашій компанії.
Выношу благодарность сотрудникам компании Assist Ukraine за их профессионализм и человеческое отношение.